What if you could learn the art of herbalism the traditional way? With all your senses – by cooking, smelling, tasting, and using your intuition?

How would it feel to know your body, understand the messages it’s sending you, and intuitively know what plants could offer support?

What would your life look like if you chose to take this journey and open yourself up to the plants whispering in your ear?

Herbalism is a HUGE topic with all sorts of strange terms and Latin names.


In this year-long apprenticeship, we’ll break the foundations of herbalism down piece by piece, through guided seasonal explorations where you’ll meet the plants in person, in-depth study on how the body works, and hands-on practice where you’ll synthesize everything you’ve learned in the kitchen.


Allow yourself to slowly awaken alongside the plants this Spring. Our adventures gently build over 8 weeks, giving your mind, body, and spirit time to adjust from our Winter slumber. Fuel your body with mineral rich foods, and reconnect with the spirit of the plants.


Discover the medicine of Spring! Students will learn how to ethically wildcraft seasonally-relevant plant medicines and learn how to craft them into culinary delights, tinctures, infused oils, honeys, vinegars, elixirs, flower essences, and more.

During our 8 week session we’ll cover:

Chickweed, Purple Dead Nettle, Miners Lettuce, Stinging Nettle, Oregon Grape Root, Dandelion, Bleeding Heart, Horsetail, Plantain, Spruce, Cleavers, & Hawthorn Flowers


Find your adventurous self! Connect with the season through guided meditations, astrology, folklore, ceremony, and magic. Open the door and take a step into the world of mystery and spirit.

How the Online Course Works

The course is 8 weeks long. The content for each week will be made available on Wednesdays. Content will be a combination of video and workbooks. Each week there will be a main lesson, medicine making videos, community cooking class, meditations, folklore/magic workbooks, live meetings (optional), and recipes for making things at home.

There will also be smaller classes included with guest teachers, including dream work and mushroom medicine.

Students will have lifetime access, so you can move at your own pace.

(Students of the in-person apprenticeship have full access to the online course as well)

Example Curriculum

  Spring Apprenticeship
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Spring Greens
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Oregon Grape
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bleeding Heart, Horsetail, and Pacific Waterleaf
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Hawthorn Flowers
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Resource Page
Available in days
days after you enroll

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